Saint Patrick IrelandSt. Patrick  ” I’ll get rid of all yer snakes.”

Headed To Bulgaria

St. Patrick was said to be headed to Bulgaria today, citing that his work was done in Ireland.  ” There are no more snakes left to banish here.” he lamented.  Having been arrested several times for breaking into Dublin Zoo’s reptile house, he complained “Sure and I have to keep me hand in. Where else will I be finding snakes for the banishing.”  He added  “I’m feckin’ mighty at the banishing.”  Having caught wind of celebrations in his name occurring in Sofia, Bulgaria, he inquired “Do they have Guinness?  Do they have snakes? Right then!”  He plans to arrive around the 11th of March, apparently a Ball is to held in his honour.

Not A Clue

Apparently he has no concept of the delicate eco system that Bulgaria’s snakes are part of.  A dramatic reduction in their numbers could cause havoc.  Scientists might estimate a ten fold increase in the rat and mice populations which will cause untold pestilence and disease.  “This could lead to the Black Death coming back into Europe and plunging us into another dark age. ”  Said a man who was probably a scientist judging by the white coat.  When asked to comment Saint Patrick said  “I’ll feck all the snakes outa there!”

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